You gave a terrific presentation and I am so glad that I was able to attend it. I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar; you were so engaging that I lost all track of time. By any measure you are a very effective speaker and educator and your presentation was – in my eyes - the highlight of the conference.
— Judith Schwed-Lion,Vice President for International Development, Amit
Recent Project Updates
posted on March 20th, 2009

Cover layout - National Yiddish Book Center Marketing Piece
The endowment development project for the National Yiddish Book Center is complete. It primarily entailed three different parts.
- Reviewing current endowment policies and procedures and recommending changes.
- Drafting marketing piece and working with staff and design firm (see above and below).
- Training staff on endowment development (ongoing).

Internal spread - National Yiddish Book Center Marketing Piece
Deborah Polivy and Maxine Stein, Director of Development of the National Yiddish Book Center, described how they completed this endowment development project, including the marketing brochure, in 4 months at the 2009 AFP Rhode Island Chapter Fundraising Day, “They did it. Yes, you can.” Audiences members described the presentation “as clear and easy to understand.”
Deborah also received rave reviews for a presentation made to Women in Philanthropy of Western Massachusetts.
Evaluations from participants included the following quotes.
“She Rocks.”
“Reinforced things I’ve been doing, and raised some new questions for my Board.”
“She is always great!”
Tags: News · Speaking Engagements